Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Related blogs

In order to find some blogs that can be related to ours we've been researching on the net and we surprisingly found lots of blogs about young students from every part of the world who traveled to other places on Erasmus and they wanted to share with everybody their experiences, photos, videos and feelings about that new challenge as well as telling about their achieves and aims of their studies.

I first found a blog from a 22 year-old student called Angel who went to Karlskrona (Sweden) with the intention of finishing his degree there. So to keep in contact with his family and friends he decided to write this blog where he tells about their studies, the places that he went to visit, his new friends as well as he shows some photos of his new house or the parties he went to.

The second blog I have found it's written by a spanish student who went to Finland on Erasmus. He shows on his blog lots of photos of the country and other places he had visited but he also tells us how to manage yourself in the city and how is his life there. Here's a video he had made of his visit to this country:

Video of Keskustori

Keep on walking..

 The third and last blog I have found is from another spanish student called Carmen who is living in Geneva (Switzerland) and she bases her blog on posts of her travells her studies and above all she tries to give all the necessary information of the city, places as restaurants, shops, hotels or discos.

Carmen's world

Mónica Escobar

Monday, 27 September 2010

Blogs about international students

This week I have done a research on the web about blogs with the same thematic as ours.
First of all, I've found a blog written by an ex-student of the Universidad de Navarra: Alejandro Egea Alfaro, from Costa Rica. I had an interview via facebook with the blog's author (Alejandro). His firt idea was to create a blog where he could write about his experiences in the international exchanges he has done. He started his blog when he travelled to Hong Kong because he knew it would be a very different experience. He uploaded photos and videos where we can see his new discoveries. While he was in China he took pictures about things that where very different from the occidental world, we can see the contrasts. There are also pictures of the time that he spent in Atlanta.
Un tico en el mundo: crónicas de mi vida universitaria
Here ir a picture of the author of the blog and president Jimmy Carter in Atlanta

I've also found a blog about a student who has recently travelled to Wales and he is writting about his experiences in this country. His name is Diego Peña. By the way he has writen about his residence in Wales and about his daily life there.
Diego de Gales

This is a blog about students from all around the world who study in RWU (Roger Williams University)university in the USA. Different students give their opinion about different aspect in life away from their hometown. They also give the reasons why they have chosen RW University.
The RWU: international student blog

This blog gives information about the university. Students give in it their opinion about different aspects as accommodation, grants,etc... There are also sections where you can read students experiences, the steps to follow to study in a different country or information about festival and other leisure activities.
Estudiantes extranjeros en la Argentina

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

About Estefanía...

My name is Estefanía Guerra Mirón and I was born 18 years ago in Santiago de Compostela. My hometown is quite famous because of its cathedral, this year was Santiago was visited by millions of people from all around the world as it was "año Santo" (holy year).
Right now I'm in Pamplona, in the Universidad de Navarra studying first year of Publicity and Public Relations. I really like music as I studied 10 years at the Professional Music School of my hometown and I love fashion. You may ask yourself why I am not writing about either of these topics. The answer is quite simple. The fact of moving from my town to Pamplona has made me met new people and new cultures and of course new ways to interpret my hobbies. And also, writing about life in campus will remind me of my hometown as it has a wellknown university (USC). In this blog I'll write about university students, international students as well as other people in the campus.
I hope you find this blog interesting.

Diary of... A new experience

Hi everyone! My name is Mónica I'm a seventeen year-old journalism student. I'm from Vigo a medium size city on the North West of Spain but recently I've moved to Pamplona to study at the University of Navarra. I'm interested in so many things like music, fashion, photography, travelling and knowing about other people and cultures.
Because of that, I've found the best oportunity in this new experience to show the world a little part of me and my world. We are three girls involved in this project which will be centered in showing everyone how's the life of a university student, what they do,where they go out, why they have come from abroad and so many interesting things about our university we will show you soon.
I hope this "diary" would help people tocome here and enjoy university life.
Mónica Escobar

My first post

Hello!!! My name is Carmen, I am studing international journalism at the University of Navarra. I am from Zaragoza, it is a city near the Pirinees. I love skiing, listening to music, reading, and also I love travelling thats why I want to write this blog talking about foreing people who are studing here, I want to know their culture or their traditions...
I hope you like this blog!!!